Tiny Droplets

Creative diy handmade bookmark idea

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This is the perfect treat for all the book lovers out there. Here is star filled night theme bookmark which is adorable and truly a perfect present for the book lovers. The best part about this DIY project is that you can use material you have around your house, they’re easy to make and who doesn’t want a personally, custom-made bookmark?
I have been a book worm ever since I learnt to read. My husband is the same, we have different taste in different genres of books, while travelling or during holidays we make sure to carry our favorite books with us. We have a good collection,floor to ceiling bookcases, brimming. We are quite old-fashioned I suppose, no e-books or Kindles here, we both like the solid feel of a book and the pleasure of turning real pages.
Along with reading I do take out time for crafting. I hate to go shopping for things that can be handmade…I ordered a new book and before its arrival I planned to make few bookmarks for me as well as my husband.
Just check this cute bookmark idea.


I stumbled upon this idea while reading a magazine on a dark star filled night. The twinkling light of the moon peeped through my window all over my reading desk.


For making this bookmark you just need card-stock,silver pen and a blue ink bottle. I wanted to sit down and start working and so I used things which are available at my place.

Lets start. Cut the  card-stock to the size that you would love for your bookmark. Take a painting brush, dip into the ink bottle and just color the white sheet. Leave the paper to dry for 10-15 minutes.

By the time ink settles down, take another paper and make cuts outs in the shape of moon,stars and cloud.

Glue the cut outs to the bookmark, you can even use doubled sided 3-d tapes as the cloud and moon looks better in a pop-up design.

Complete your bookmark with small hand drawn stars an a quote…make your choice of quote. I have used “I am a bookworm” and “You are my favorite daydream”.



These little bookmark are so fun! They are really cute, unique, and useful, and they make great gifts for all ages. It’s also a fun project that doesn’t take hardly any time or money. You can’t beat that! 




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