Tiny Droplets

diy valentine photo puzzle with popsicle

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If you have been looking for an inexpensive handmade gift on this valentine then I think these Popsicle Stick Photo Puzzles are perfect! This puzzle will make your date fun filled, let your partner open the gift box and see him solving the puzzle. Use your favorite pics and relive your memories.


This fun DIY project works for kids or adults. This idea had been at back of mind since ages but I am glad that finally it took shape. When in a relationship you always try to keep your gifts unique but soon gift ideas start exhausting and you really try hard working on it. I love gifting and to me handmade gifts not only expresses our love but also the effort that we put in.

When you start making your own Popsicle stick puzzle you will not only find it easy and inexpensive, but you will feel that the beauty of the project is that you can make it so personalized and really perfect for almost any age group. You could use anniversary photos,family photos, post cards from favorite places, print outs of characters, sports teams logos, etc. Depending on the difficulty you’d like the puzzle to be, you could vary the size of the Popsicle sticks. You can even make the puzzle two sided! The possibilities really are endless! 

Lets get going..


For this project you need photos,popsicle sticks,glue(I used fevicol),colors and X-acto blade.



Never mind if the sticks are dirty, only thing to be kept in mind is to choose sticks which are straight and plane. Rough surface sticks will leave frame uneven.

Once supply is arranged, start coloring the sticks. Use bright colors as it gives a vibrant touch. I have used black marker pen to draw hearts over it. You can keep the base color simple or add designs of your choice. As I was making it for valentines so thought of making heart designs all over it.



You will get time to relax before the sticks completely dries up. These sticks should be left aside to completely dry or else you might end up spreading it from your sticks to your fingers to the photos.

Arrange the sticks into a horizontal stack. I simply arranged them, you can stick tape at the back so that sticks dont move apart.



I have used a photo collage, this is gonna help me to make two puzzles. You can either choose to make collages using Picasa tool or make separate puzzles.

Apply adhesive to the back of your photos and stick to the base. Press it a bit or lay some weight over it, this will help the pic to stick perfectly.

Once dry, carefully use an X-ACTO knife to cut in between each popsicle stick. I definitely recommend doing this on a mat of some kind and also, recommend cutting from the back since it’s easier to see the divisions between the sticks!

That’s it! Then, you have awesome personalized, unique, handmade puzzles perfect for Date. Just bundle up this little gift of love.



If you want, you can add a secret note on the back! Enjoy gifting.



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