Tiny Droplets

Piggy Bank

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Here is an idea of up-cycling a coke bottle purchased at PVR into a piggy bank for your little kid.


I myself love money box.I have a habit of saving coins, so every time I go out for grocery shopping or any where else I come home and first thing I do is empty all my coins and the practice continues 🙂
I made this money box for my colleagues son.


Take a bottle of same shape as I have used.This bottle is made of plastic and is transparent.


For this money box you need to have colorful threads or yarns of your choice,glue and craft paper.


After this all you need to do is completely cover the bottle with the thread and yarn with the help of glue. The money box can be given a beautiful look with the help bright color threads. Leave little thread open at the back and tie it up in the form of a knot. Cut craft paper and glue it to the bottle.


Now its time to make a cut into the lid of the bottle. I did this by using a hot knife.


If the slit cut by you is not in proper shape,no worries. All you need is to stick craft paper from above and make a slit of desired size.


Once its over. All you need to do is give the bottle a final touch.I glued an image of a boy, you can take any cut outs of your choice. Here I have used both sided tape to give the image a pop up look.


Now try this out yourself and share your experience with me 🙂 🙂



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